Orange said that :"recently,the "noise" about social networking and particularly its online elements such as Facebook and Bebo and business equivalents including LinkedIn have created an extra layer to the potential opportunities for connection.The use of technology has added more richness and enabled network to become truly global and fundamentally change business models."
In the journal also mention that" the last two decades have seen a shift away towards service and knowledge-based work.*Knowledge-based services grew 177 per cent between 1995 and 2005, compared with 52 per cent for non-knowledge-based services.Between 1996 and 2006 employment in knowledge-intensive services in the UK increased from 37 per cent of all jobs to 43 per cent."
*Knowledge-based services comes from a fuller recognition of the role of knowledge and technology in economic growth.Knowledge, as embodied in human beings (as "human capital") and in technology, has always been central to economic development.
Economic nowadays are more dependent on the production,distribution and use of knowledge than before. Output and employment are expanding faster in high-technology industries, such as computer,electronics and aerospace.However, many interactions, both economic and social, involve network relationships.Many specifics of the network structure are important in determining the outcome, for example, the exchange of information.
Modern economic growth theory also used to prove the specialization has increased as in the journal mention that modern economic growth theory is the vital role that technological progress and knowledge play in generating long-term growth.In the other words, human capital contributes increasingly to corporate and national performance. Knowledge can raise the returns on investment, which can in turn contribute to the accumulation of knowledge.It does this by stimulating more efficient methods of production organization as well as new and improved products and services.There is thus the possibility of sustained increases in investment which can lead to continuous rises in a country's growth rate.

Due to the flourishing of the network, the traditional businesses and organization tend to change their management and follow up the trend as network had become one popular media and the most highest usability for the people nowadays.Coase(1937) offers a framework that he attempted to explain why organizations exist. Williamson(1975) built on this theory and developed the current framework for understanding the rule of TCE in organizations.The premise on the individuals , in an imperfect market,will utilize hierarchy rather than the market to reduce the friction of exchange,which can better be described as transaction costs.We just need to understand the network logic changes the relationship and it can affects the people across the worlds with given large impact for co-workers.
According to Paul Worthington, in becoming a network citizen, there are three areas that will become critical:
1.Creating value by increasing and strengthening the connections between the nodes in the network.
Within the new network environments, it appears that strengthening the connections sit atop a foundation of mutual exchange.
For example: Starbucks asking customers to help them with incremental quality improvements through who use social channels to promote content created for the customers.
Here is the mutual exchange of content between brand owner and brand consumer appears to both strengthen connections and increase the number of nodes on the network.
2.Creating value by contributing to the issues that people naturally build community around.
Brand think that community will be formed by their customers around them. Instead,community appears to form more densely around peoples issues of interest.
For example: rather than a community forming around Tylenol,you're much more likely to find one forming around a related issue such as acute back pain.
In this environment, brands have a tremendous opportunity to fit within the network and enable people's interest in the issue. In the case of Tylenol and acute back pain, they could strengthen the network though providing a combination of established and emerging thought leadership on back pain and pain management.
3. Creating value by abiding by the unwritten rules of the network and being generous with its other members
Every environment within the new networks have different unwritten rules.
For example: You don't want brands spamming on your Facebook wall or you don't want they filling your Twitter feed with needless messages about the benefits of using their products.
Being generous and fitting within the unwritten rules of a flat network is a key aspect of Network Citizenship.Already for some brands, the boundaries between brand and customer are beginning to blur as customers increasingly participate in the activities of the brand itself, creating a real-tome relationship effect with the customers.
As conclusion,network citizen has the potential to create a new generation for the brands in the 21st century as network citizen has the potential to create significant competitive advantage, where the strength of a brands network drive both loyalty and recommendation and creates an incredibly strong emotional barrier to switching and it can cause the economic for the particular businesses or organization grow along the long-term period.
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