Friday 9 September 2011

Week 5 In Against Intellectual Monopoly by Boldrin & Levine

This week talks about intellectual monopoly and intellectual property. How Watt related to intellectual monopoly?

Before this, let have a reviews for Watt’s first,

James Watt (1698-1782), at nineteen he was sent to Glasgow for learning the trade of a mathematical-instrument maker and he returned to Scotland in 1757 and established his own instrument- making business. Watt soon developed a reputation as a high quality engineer. In 1763, Watt was sent a Newcomen steam engine to repair. This made him start his go into more studies on discovered the ways to make engine more efficient and he finally success produce a steam engine that help him earned money and clear his debts. His stream engine was very popular on the century as the engine was four times more powerful than the original engine which design by Thomas Newcomen.

So, answer to the question: “How Watt related to intellectual monopoly?”

The steam engine that developed by Watt was too powerful that it can help to promote economic development. So, many people started to do further studies on the machine as Watt was the only one who sell the steam machine. To prevent anybody else from making a steam-engine like the one he had developed, in 1755 years, Watt had been granted a patent from Parliament. For the next twenty-five years, they had a virtual monopoly over the production on steam-engines.


There are still intellectual monopolies which happen on Microsoft and Apple. Apple increasing using patents in an aggressive fashion just like Microsoft. As recently people use jail breaking to unlocking the application which needs to pay in Apple. Although jail breaking of Apple devices was legalized, Apple intends to patent its mechanism which allows it to detect a jail broken iPhone, iPad or iPod and restore it to factory settings.

To know more details, you can refer to this link:

As in the book “Against Intellectual Monopoly”, it reaches the conclusions that are at variance with both sides. There are good and bad for intellectual monopoly.
In the intellectual property:

It divided in to 3 broad types that recognized in the legal systems:
1.       Patents

A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor, issued by the Patent and Trademark Office.
2.       Copyrights

Provide protection for authors “original works of authorship”, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished.

3.      Trademarks

It serves to identify the goods, services, and ideas.  Trademark rights used to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or from selling the same goods or services. It also uses to protect a title, slogan, and other short word phrase too.

As conclusion, I feel that all the intellectual property is the law that uses to protect the author original work and advice people to create and explore for new ideas. It can to produce more creative works to the industry. However, in the consumer sight, it will become not reasonable due to the intellectual property law. Some of the “black heart”  businessman will increase the price for the original work as no other people can produce the same things and consumer need to buy in higher rate. So, there are pros and cons for the intellectual property and it will be a long journey for arguing on the existence of intellectual property.


  1. Hi,

    I like the comparison and argument you have made - Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft launched Windows and Apple have Mac OS or also known as OS X Lion. They have their own intellectual properties but, they are the competitors for each other. It also like what you said, Microsoft monopolized the operating system for normal computer market while Apple target on Macbook which is the product they invented by themselves.

  2. Hi Zhi Huey,

    I like that you had highlighted the fact that companies nowadays tend to innovate from original ideas to a new idea. I personally think that the Internet is the main cause behind this idea. The Internet - as discussed in previous weeks - had caused individuals to develop a "lazy attitude" in which everything can be obtain so easily that individuals are not being reluctant to input more effort in developing new ideas. And this could be a problem, because it is just wrong for individuals to conduct such act and the owners of these ideas - who had input huge amount of effort into the development of their ideas - will definitely not allow it. This can directly lead to trouble. And in the end of the way, we users will be the one who will suffer because of the instability of information flow in the society.

    Your highlight makes me ponder! Thanks! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. Hu, zhi huey.

    I agree with your point. IP should be use to protect origin work. However, people who use it for commercial purpose is inmoral and caused the development of the product get slower.

    People who misuse of origin work should be pubnish by IP act. Also, the government should pubnish people who misuse of IP by law too.

  4. Heya Zhi Huey, first of all, the steam engine is a very good example to look into. As do other historical moments like the gravity incident, the first light bulb, the first music sheet and the likes. It is these historical moments that somehow pushes even more creative ideas for the consumers in the future to come.

    Look at where we are now, we have light but not in light bulb version, but in LED for instance. The idea is basically the same. Using the same technique but changing it into a more advanced and cooler innovation. But by the end of the day, it is still derived from an original work.

    Also, talking about "blackhearted" businessman, we can easily see many examples in our day to day life. Oreo and CreamO for example, Shin Ramyun with a China version, bubble tea stalls everywhere and so on.

    Although, we can point out that using others' work is bad and if we were in their spot, we would want to protect our work, but at the same time, we would just give into temptation and just use the work even though we already have differentiated that it is wrong to do so. This is interesting to look at. Why people know it's wrong but they still continue to do so.

    Hope my comment was understandable! Thanks Zhi Huey for the monopoly in intellectual property post! Gave me a solid idea of this reading!

  5. This is really a situation that could not be settle down in a short period of time. A good contrast and perspective in both parties. IT is true that when copyright provides a protection to the owner, it might becomes a biurden for the consumer as to buy the item, you'll need to pay more in order to get the profit. It is also a doubt that if nobody is spreading your artwork,no one will recognize your talent.Thus there are good and bad,its depend on oneself on which way they want.

  6. Nice post here when you talks about Watt's creation and how the patent law was helping him in protecting his own creation. I think this law should be keep using in the future as nowadays people are keep on creating the new things such as Apple like you stated. Everyone want their creation to be protected and are not be violated to become others's creation. That's illegal such as jailbreaking an iPhone. In the future, I think the trademark and copyright can eventually helps to reinforce and keep sustain the reputation of the authors and also their creation.
