Saturday 20 August 2011

The nature of network

What is network?
Network is a concrete pattern of relationships among entities in a social space. Network can differentiate in formal or informal ways." Formal network" contractual relationships among organizations such as strategic alliances,buyer-supplier contracts, and joint ventures. However, "Informal network" is the inter-organizational relationships flow through people, for example, director interlocks, employee mobility, social networks that cross organizational boundaries.

According to the article, the digital media in the network builds an integrated environment based on the flows of information.However, the elements that build the environments aren't the atoms of the nature like soil,houses or any other but the flows of the information  produces by and processed through media as information use to communicate among people, to control processes across time and distances,to check and re-evaluate existing information,and to produce more new information that can arise the nodes.
I agree to  information in the network use to communicate with the peoples in the world as people nowadays use social networking service to communicate among people such as share interests and activities through the network.Besides that, social networking sites allow users to share ideas,activities, interests and their personal status within their individual network.
In the article, there are four basic dimensions form the information ecology:
1. Interdependence  

Information is not objective data, however,information is the relation which arises within the environment,and it is the difference that makes difference.

In the article said that a bridge does not simply couple two independent village across a river but it creates a new city.I totally agree with this it is like take the useless or old elements that will effect the progression and create a new flow in the way of adding in new element which can change the nodes become different so that the nodes can stand up among others to let the nodes grow.The flows of information are infinitely malleable.


In the article said that in an environment where information flows very quickly, at the speed of light thorough computer networks, and the new interrelation are born as fast as old connections die time is a supreme factor. As i am a mass communication student, i had learned that the punctuality is very important to us as time is money. In the mass communication like journalism, they need to fight with the time and get the most interesting and fresh news to met the closing time of that day. Due to the reason we are media student, so we need to get the new update information in different fields to improve our knowledge to keep us away from eliminate from the world.


The information help nodes survive as long as they can.The different of information and not exist similarity with others to make them stand out among others,so, add more features to make it unique.I agree with the differentiation is the reduction of complexity as if the new connections establish, it will not mix with the old connection and it won't continue expand from the old connection to make the old connection become complex and make people confuse. So, differentiation is very important to some specific area.

As conclusion, to keep up in the time and fulfill the users need, the network or nodes should be keep changing to made the idea fresh and attracting enough to draw the users attention, or else it will be forgotten by the users.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Zhi Huey, you have a lots of interesting pictures to describe the text. I like the picture of the yellow umbrella.

    Yes, the nodes need to keep on changing or updating to achieve more users' goals and nodes carry various information and change the information then, flows within the networks again. That is how the networks are growing bigger. It seems like nodes change information within the speed of light, just like too much of information can appear on Internet in short while.
    (I deleted the previous comment due to typing errors)

  3. Well said of "Network is a concrete pattern of relationships among entities in a social space."
    Nice illustration to match with the contents. Information are becoming a crucial element in our information age now. Without the proper combination between the nodes and flow, the whole network may just affected and a lot of changes will happen. It always will change the way we perceived the information as well. Thanks for the post! Hope to read your post again! :)

  4. I like your time-boundness point, it is because this point is reflecting on everyone. Not only the journalist, perhaps it could be said on the business sectors. The business man always say "time is money", so the information that they need to get via social network must be always up-to-date though. Hence, their works can go freely without delaying the work which they are handling.
