Friday 12 August 2011

Network Society by Manuel Castells

Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society by Manuel Castells state that :"the network society is the social structure characteristic of the information age, as tentatively identified by empirical,cross-cultural investigation.The social structures are organized around the relationships of the production or consumption, power, and experience, whose spatio-temporal configurations constitute cultures."

I know that the network society sprang up like mushrooms and expands in the global with a short period of time and it had influenced most of us nowadays after the hit of social networking programming.In the journal state that " networks know no boundaries.If there is a material communication infrastructure (such as the internet or an air transportation network) societies become interconnected throughout the world on the basis of multidimensional networks". This is the reason i said that the network society grew and expand very fast in the global.

The reason i had understand in the journal as the way the network society can grew and expand fast like the mushrooms are because the structure and the forms of the organization. With a good and planned structure, the organization can co-operate with the network in extreme saturation. Nowadays,many business organization 
use network to expand their business to let them more globalization.

Besides that, the internet also shown as an important medium in the networking society as internet had offered  using the forms of video, radio, print media, music and also video games spread all the information through all the communication medium. So, all the information will be boundaries and share to the world.The huge power of the networking can be seen in these way.

Network is a very powerful programming that is not easy can be change because there had been form in a structure that cannot be separate with our life.Network can change the knowledge of the person and making effective communication among each other. It can also decided the successful path of the company or organization in the way of creating awareness through the globalization network.So, the network are very useful tool and it has already been indispensable part in our society.


  1. Hi Zhi Huey! Well said with the point on "the organization can co-operate with the network in extreme saturation". It reflects on me that no matter where we are and how we are being labelled, we still belong in a specific organization (or in simpler words, 'group'), may it be our race, nationality, and so forth. And business organization is has the most obvious network connections that can be related to us.

    Your point also reflected to me on the impact of networks these organizations can create, and also the influences and effects that will be caused towards us, in a normal society condition.

    Great reflection on the importance of networks in a company/organization :)

  2. Haloo :-)...actually im very impressed with the way you have interpreted the whole journal. From my point of view you have really understood that the society that we are leaving now are very much interconnected and it is expanding and becoming stronger with he emergence of new technology.

  3. Hey Zhi Huey. I am strongly agree with your point. I like the way you use "mushrooms" as the wide expanding of the network. haha~Indeed network is always interconnecting with others in anytime, anywhere.

  4. HAHA! Mushroooooom! cute way of explaining how network grows. :D I agree that company/organizations can create awareness through network. A lot of company or brand have created a group for themselves in Facebook group, for fans or customers to comment/advice. Clever way of attracting new customers and best way to get feedback from old customers.

  5. Network can change the knowledge of the person. This is the fact! Just like how whenever we've questions, the answer that leads to the question will be "Google it!"

    We can just Google whatever things we want. And by Google-ing we can understand more things. Might get some false information thou, just need to be careful and choose the right one! :D

  6. Some interesting points there Zhi Huey, keep it coming. (but watch out for sentence structures)

    Here's a question for all of you. Have we come anywhere close to the saturation point (in terms of connectivity)? And are we referring technological saturation points OR social breaking points?
